Our Team

  • Executive Director DCIC

    Marisa McKenzie began serving as Director of Hearten House Gospel Rescue Mission in March of 2018 and began serving as Executive Director of DCIC beginning January of 2020. Marisa has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and an Associate of Science in Human Services.

    She has served on the Fort Wayne Ivy Tech Human Services Advisory Board member since February 2020 and has been on the United Way of DeKalb County Health Grant Review Committee since August 2020. In 2022, she joined Allen County Juvenile Center (ACJC) Bridges to Recovery Group as a co-facilitator and is a victim advocate for DeKalb County Community Corrections Advisory. Marisa volunteers and serves as a DeKalb County Mental Health Collaborative member since its inception in March 2023 and has been a DeKalb County Family Restoration Court (FRC) team member since May 2023. Marisa, along with 29 other nonprofit leaders in Northeast Indiana, were selected to participate in a year-long professional development journey, Transforming Communities in May 2023.

    Marisa believes in the power of God, the power of love, and the power of redemption to change lives and rescue lost people. In addition to overseeing the ministry, she has direct focus on development, fundraising, strategic planning, staffing and donor relations. Marisa enjoys time with family, especially her sweet grandchildren.

    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future....

    — Jeremiah 29:11-13

  • Ministry Coordinator

    Vicki Rodkey began serving as Ministry Coordinator for DCIC in the fall of 2017.   It has been a thrill for her to see Hearten House open in April of 2018 and witness God orchestrating support and bringing residents. Vicki is a native of DeKalb County, residing outside of Butler with her husband Steve. She has past experience working in the court, probation and the school system. Her responsibilities include payables, receivables, payroll, website and publications. Vicki enjoys spending time with her family and pursuing her musical interests.   

    I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.   

    — Philippians 4:13

  • Case Manager

    Vickie Andrews recently joined the Hearten House team bringing with her a Bachelor of General Education with a concentration in Psychology.  She is a Certified Christian Life Coach. Some of her previous experience includes serving as a Professional Guardian at Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana and Case Management at Park Center. Vickie prepares treatment plans for the residents, records goals and progress and assists residents with achieving their goals.  She and her husband Brian are enjoying their new puppy, Suzy Q. She enjoys reading and spending time with her husband and friends either at home or on vacation. Vickie was led by God to submit her application to Hearten House and she listened!   

    So, if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. 

    — John 8:36 

  • Chaplain

  • Shift Leader

    "I am a single mother of 3 and I was an addict for 20 years until I became a resident at the Hearten House. The women who run the Hearten House showed me a better way of life and guided me in the ways needed to change. They truly care for each of the residents.

    If it weren’t for them showing me that anything I set my mind to is possible, I would never have believed it. I graduated from the program and now work at the Hearten House. I get to help woman just like me make lasting changes needed in their lives. I love being a part of this transformation; women reaching goals, conquering their addictions, addressing their traumas, and having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    I want to help the women see and live out their dreams."

  • Aftercare Coordinator

    “There was a time in my life when I was without hope. I was homeless, addicted to meth, had lost custody of my daughter, and lived in utter despair. I hated my life. I hated who I had become, but I felt powerless to change. It was at my lowest point that I cried out to a God I did not even know existed. And He answered me! He pulled me out of darkness, spoke Truth to my heart, and loved me until I learned to love myself. I was blessed to go through a program that taught me about Jesus and what He sacrificed so that I could be free. They also taught me basic life skills and helped me to have a firm foundation to build a new life on. I was sure that once I got a job, license, car, completed a program, got my own home, and regained custody of my daughter, my life would be full of rainbows and sunshine. To my surprise, it was not! It was hard! I faced so many challenges as I navigated this new life I was building and learned how to become the woman God created me to be. Basically, the work had just begun. I am so thankful for the privilege of serving at Hearten House. Not only do I get to see how God rescues our women and helps them begin rebuilding their lives, but as Aftercare Coordinator, I am tasked with walking alongside them after they graduate. It is such a blessing to be able to help them through the many challenges they will face, to encourage them when they are struggling, to listen when they need a safe place to vent, and to remind them who God says they are daily! I am grateful for the opportunity to continue loving and supporting our graduates, and to walk alongside them in the next season of their lives.”

    “...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

    Phillipians 1:6

  • Shift Leader

    “Working here at the Hearten House is an amazing experience! I have the privilege of teaching and learning about God’s word. Building relationships with great women serving alongside them as we continue to keep encouraging one another to walk with the Lord! Extending to others the love and mercy God has shown me. I have 6 wonderful children- 4 boys and 2 girls - that I absolutely love spending time with! I thank God for this opportunity to work alongside these amazing women.”

    So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.

    — Zechariah 4:6

  • Shift Leader

    “I work at the Hearten House because while I was a resident I received support, love, grace, and guidance that came from experience.

    I want to pour back into this program everything that was poured into me. I want to help women love themselves. I want to guide the women through the “not so good” days. I want to lead by example and show that recovery and restoration are possible.”

  • Shift Leader

    “Serving at Hearten House is one of the greatest honors that I have ever experienced. God daily reminds me, through the lives of our women, how deep His love is as He pursues and captures their hearts as He has my own. God has allowed my story, as I work at Hearten House, to be a tapestry of contra-conditional love. Hearten House has most assuredly changed my life in such a beautiful way, and I am so, so blessed!”

    You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trust in You.. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.

    — Isaiah 26:3-4

  • Shift Leader

    “I first knew I wanted to work with Hearten House 4 years ago. I have experienced addiction and have completed a program similar in structure to Hearten House as a minor. At 17, I was placed in Gateway Woods. My mother was simultaneously entering another faith-based program, the Hearten House. As we both worked our programs to learn to live in sobriety and to be productive on God’s path, I began to truly know Jesus.

    Jesus’ love and the strength of God gives each and every one of us the strength to overcome obstacles and follow His path. It is my belief that we all have the duty to, not only spread the word and love of God, but to help others to follow and know Him!

    In seeing my mother graduate the Hearten House program and how she had grown, I knew I wanted to do my part. I am passionate about helping women who are hurting to find God; to heal themselves and to learn to live for Him."

  • Shift Leader

    "I love working at Hearten House because I get the honor of helping women come out of the same situation I was in. My favorite part is watching Jesus transform hearts and lives with His unfailing love.

  • "Hearten House showed me Christ-like love when I felt completely alone and unlovable. They showed me I was worthy of a better life. They walked beside me as I discovered who I was in Jesus. I now want to walk alongside other women as they do the same."

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